The Coloplast Patient Educator Program

Senior Man On Call.
Life with E.D. can be very lonely. You may experience a range of emotions, like sadness, depression, anxiety, anger and shame. You may have questions or concerns that you feel too embarrassed to discuss. Or, you may just wish to talk to someone who has been there and come out the side feeling happy and whole.

That’s why Coloplast developed the Patient Educator Program.

The Patient Education Program is a free service for those wishing to speak directly with a patient who has received or is considering an implant.

Our patient educators are not doctors, and they don’t dispense medical advice. Rather, they are real men who once suffered from E.D. and, after receiving a penile implant, now lead healthy, active sex lives. You can set up an appointment to speak with them one-on-one about their experiences with E.D., and what he experienced before and after surgery.

Click here to set up your appointment to talk to a patient educator.

Also Available: Talk to a Spouse

We understand that men are not the only ones that that have questions or concerns. The Patient Educator Program also includes spouses and partners who helped by providing emotional support to their loved ones along their journey. These individuals are also available to help answer any questions you may have and talk about how their support was a crucial part of their partners overcoming E.D.

Click here to set up your appointment to talk to a patient educator.


Click here if you are interested in becoming a Patient Educator